Castle Exhibition

The new Colloredo-Mannsfeld exhibition is located on the first floor of the south wing of the castle.

The concept of the exhibition is mixed. Historic rooms, as they probably looked in the 17th and 18th century, alternate with a modern exhibition using large-screen monitors and projections.

The timeline of the exhibition begins in the year 962, the year the Holy Roman Empire was founded. The beginnings of the Colloredo and Mansfeld families time. The families were united in 1771, when  Franz Gundakar I Colloredo got married to María Isabella von Mansfeld-Vonderort.

The timeline continues through the heyday, when the membera of the Colloredo-Mannsfeld family had a significant influence on the success of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and on the spiritual life in Central Europe.

We will also stop in the time of the Industrial Revolution, when the Colloredo-Mannsfeld family was successfully doing business, for example in the brewery, the wood- and metal processing industry, the sugar industry and the railway construction.

This time was followed by the turbulent times of the 20th century, the time of World War I, the founding of Czechoslovakia, the land reform, World War II, the nationalization of private properties and finally the restitution in the 1990’s.

The tour is interactive, visitors can use the audio guide on their phone or rent a free MP4 at the entrance to the exhibition. The audio guide also includes two stories for young visitors.

Dobříš Castle ...

…a matter of the heart


Opening Hours

Dobříš Castle

ZÁMEK DOBŘÍŠ, 263 01 Dobříš
+420 318 521 240

Hotel Château Dobříš

+420 722 710 488
+420 318 586 411
GPS: 49.7814817N, 14.1790503E

Colloredo-Mannsfeld spol. s r.o.

263 01 Dobříš č.p. 1 | IČ: 02406781 | DIČ: CZ02406781